Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs, play an important role in human health. It is believed to have many benefits for the heart, brain, intestines and joints, thanks to solvents, active metabolites that, according to studies, help reduce inflammation.

Omega-3 fatty acids include:
Alpha linolenic acid (ALA and omega-3 fatty acid), which can be found in flaxseeds, walnuts, soy, chia seeds and hemp seeds.
Fat acid (EPA or icosapentaenoic acid), which is commonly found in fish oil, krill oil, and eggs (if chicken is fed with EPA).
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid), is a large component of the human brain, skin and eyes. Although important, it is not considered “necessary” since it can be manufactured when a person has a sufficient amount of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).
A 2014 study showed that the majority of U.S. adults do not meet weekly recommendations for omega-3 fatty acid consumption – 90 percent of Americans do not meet the American Heart Association’s recommendation for two servings of 3.5 ounces of low-mercury fish per week. This palace is not unique in North America but also exists throughout Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. This is unfortunate because there are many common circumstances that can be useful for providing sufficient quantities.

Omega-3 anxiety
Anxiety disorder affects millions around the world. The prescription often describes taking some medications, some of which can become a habit. Many resort to other alternatives. Jama’s 2018 after-analysis, which included 2,240 participants from 11 countries, concluded that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce symptoms of clinical anxiety. Other studies have found similar results.

Omega-3 arthritis
As a single age, osteoporosis can affect the joints, usually causing morning stiffness and difficulty moving. For many, pain may improve with movement, but reducing inflammation in the body is critical. Omega-3 fish oil (EPA/DHA) can be helpful. I highly recommend omega-3 fish oils for patients with arthritis symptoms and the results have been good. This often allows patients to reduce reliance on non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac), which can increase the risk of heart and kidney complications.

Studies show that essential fatty acids help reduce pain and reduce the use of NSAIDs. Studies also indicate reduced joint stiffness when consuming fish oil daily.

Omega-3 asthma
Asthma is an irreversible inflammatory lung disease that occurs when the muscles surrounding lung tissue contract. It is affected by 300 million people worldwide, and nearly 250,000 people die from complications of the condition each year. Asthma can cause symptoms such as wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Scientists measured the increase in inflammatory proteins (IL-17A, TNF-α) in the blood of asthmatics. The researchers observed a decrease in these levels in children with mild to moderate asthma while taking 180 mg of EPA/120mg DHA per day for three months. In addition, clinical lung function testing improved in 72 percent of patients.

A 2017 study suggested that fish oil supplements can help pregnant women reduce their children’s postpartum asthma symptoms (consult your doctor if you are pregnant). A 2018 study on child allergy and immunity concluded that “introducing fish consumption early in life (6-9 months) and regular consumption of all fish (at least once a week) reduces asthma and sizzling children up to the age of four and a half years, while fatty fish intake may be beneficial for older children.”

Finally, in a 2016 study in nutrition research assessments, researchers concluded that eating omega-3 fish oil could benefit asthma tics, while another 2016 study on cytokines concluded that Omega-3 was a promising complementary approach to asthma management. Learn more about natural approaches to asthma treatment.

Omega-3 and Depression
Depression is a common disease that affects millions. The reasons are numerous. Prescribed medications can be helpful, but often take experiments on different combinations before a person finds those that are the best. Many are looking for alternative methods, and improving essential fatty acids is one of the methods used.

A 2001 study showed that EPA (essential fatty acids) can help people with severe depression. A 2015 study in integrative medicine research supported the use of omega-3 fish oil in the treatment of depression, while a 2017 study of 38 children with depression and anxiety showed that those with symptoms of depression often improved when taking omega-3 fatty acids. Their anxiety symptoms did not improve significantly in this study.

A 2017 study of adults found that there is insufficient evidence on omega-3 fatty acids to prove that they can be beneficial enough in people with depression. There was no evidence of mischief. Further studies are needed for further evaluation.

Omega-3 and Gut Health
Healthy bowels are important for public health. It is known that the axis of the gut plays an important role in cognitive and physical health. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in helping to balance the digestive microbiome and appear to have a pre-bacterial effect, according to a 2017 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. A 2016 animal study also showed that omega-3 fatty acids can protect the gut from changes made by antibiotics that can lead to a defect in healthy gut bacteria.

Omega-3 and Heart Disease
Heart disease kills millions of people around the world. Modern medicine focuses on reducing risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes in the hope of reducing complications from heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids may also play a role.

During a 2013 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 2,692 adult males from the United States were studied between the ages of 69 and 79 without a history of heart disease, stroke or congestive heart failure. Men had measured their blood fatty acid levels in 1992. They were followed up during 2008. The researchers showed that those with higher levels of EPA and DHA were 17% and 23% less likely to die. They concluded that levels higher than total 3 PUFA levels were associated with a lower risk of death from vascular diseases.

In a 2012 study on individuals who had a heart attack, the researchers found that those who took omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) were 45 percent less likely to die from sudden cardiac arrest, had a 20 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease, and 15 percent were less likely to die for any cause.

Omega-3 and migraine aches
Migraine is a debilitating headache that can change life. It is also a major reason for the absence of work. Prevention is the foundation. A 2017 study showed that omega-3 fatty acids can be helpful in treating those with migraines, possibly by reducing inflammation in the brain. Learn more about the natural approaches to treating migraines.

Omega-3s and painful brain injury
Painful brain injuries (TBI) have become more understandable over the past decade. This dilemma has been highlighted by professional footballers and the complications they have suffered due to multiple concussions. The soldiers were also affected by TBI as a result of the explosion injuries.

Scientists have realized that inflammation occurs when the brain is traumatized. This leads to oxidized damage and an increase in exciting amino acids. During a 2012 study in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine it was suggested that early administration of omega-3 fatty acids could help reduce some of the infections that occur, leading to better results.

In a 2016 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition the role of omega-3 fatty acids on public safety was discussed and suggested to be a first-grade treatment for painful brain injury. This can be considered for athletes, soldiers or those who fall into accidents.

Side effects or risk of bleeding?
Doctors usually recommend that patients stop taking fish oil before surgery. According to a 2017 study of 52 other studies, this is not necessary because there is no increased risk of bleeding during or after surgery that can be attributed to fish oil supplements. However, following the doctor’s recommendations is still something we encourage you to follow.

Some may also notice little indigestion due to fish oil supplements. If so, you can take a different brand.

The proposed dose:
The majority take between 500 mg to 4000 mg per day of fish oil. If you are taking a higher dose, half should be taken in the morning and the other half in the evening. There are also vegetarian diet options from EPA/DHA available. Fish oil is available in liquid form, in capsule form and even in chewing gum formulations.

Collagen Bond

This unknown protein plays a key role in the cohesion of our body — literally
The most abundant protein in the human body, collagen is also the main component of connective tissue such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones and blood vessels.

As we age, the collagen-rich support structure in the skin (known as dermis) changes. The activities of fibroblasts — the cells responsible for making collagen — slow down, leading to changes that make the skin appear older.

Collagen production in our joints decreases with age, and this may lead to arthritis. Decreasing collagen in the bones is the main factor in osteoporosis. The amount of collagen determines the number of “sites of bone connective tissue”. If the content is low, the bone becomes fragile and the risk of fractures increases significantly.

Increased collagen
To combat the problem of declining collagen level, we need to increase the activity of collagen-symbiosis cells. The best way to do this is to use a special form of silica – choline-balanced ortosisic acid (ChOSA). In one study, there was a 30 percent improvement in fine lines in women with aging skin and 10 mg of ChOSA per day, a 55 percent improvement in skin elasticity, and a decrease in hair and nail breakage.

ChOSA has also shown benefits in improving bone health. In a detailed and double-blind study of menopausal women with a lack of bone density, ChOSA was able to increase collagen content in the bone by 22 percent and increase bone density by 2 percent. The normal dose is 6-10 mg per day.


Top tips for treating acne from home and abroad

Acne affects nearly 9.4% of people, making it the eighth most common disease worldwide. Acne usually begins in adulthood when the oil glands are active but can occur at any stage of life, including adulthood. Acne usually appears in areas with more oily or oily glands, such as the face, chest, arms and back. Many factors play a role in the emergence of acne, such as heredity, surrounding environment, inflammation, excess oil secretion in the skin, hormonal imbalance, bacteria, and increased blockage of dead hair follicles. Acne can appear in the form of black heads or white heads, which are non-inflammatory. Inflammatory acne can take the form of pimples, red spots, nodules and cysts. Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne where it leads to enlarged cysts and nodules that appear on the skin. This type of acne tends to be more painful and forms when oil and dead skin cells accumulate in pores or hair follicles.

The role of diet and skin health
The old adage “your body reflects what you eat” applies very much to the problem of acne and skin health. What you eat can have an impact on your skin’s health. Some studies suggest that diet may play a role in the appearance or prevention of acne. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables foods with a low glycemic index may be helpful in promoting skin freshness. Eating foods with a high glycemic index may lead to a rise in blood sugar. This fluctuation in blood sugar may affect hormones that stimulate oil production and stimulate inflammation that can lead to acne. Focusing on unprocessed foods and supplements may play a role in combating acne and enjoying healthy skin.

6 supplements to relieve acne
The intestinal microbiome may also play a role in the health of our skin. Probiotics can be used to help support the health of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system and may support the health of the immune system. Many studies suggest that probiotics may be helpful in treating acne. One study showed that people with acne have lower levels of lactobacilli and bacteria. Natural skin is slightly acidic to prevent the formation of pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics may also be helpful in restoring the skin to normal ph.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a vitamin that dissolves in fat naturally in some foods. Cod liver oil also contains a high percentage of vitamin A. Plant foods contain carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another fat-soluble vitamin. Some studies suggest that taking vitamin E may enhance the benefits of vitamin A and reduce potential side effects during treatment of acne and other skin diseases.

Zinc is a key element of a trace that is involved in more than 100 physical processes such as DNA production, immune system processes, and metabolism.

Fish oil
Omega-6 and omega-3 are essential fatty acids.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6,also known as pyridoxin, is a water-soluble vitamin.

A healthy skin care routine
Maintaining a healthy skin care routine can help treat and prevent acne. Many topical cosmetic compounds have been studied for their anti-acne abilities.

Retinol is a biologically active form of vitamin A that can be used topically to treat acne and other skin problems such as fine lines and wrinkles. Retinol is usually combined with other products to provide a comprehensive acne protocol.

3 Tips to Buy Supplements Intelligently

1. Buy well-known national brands
Certified food supplement brands have quality control departments or employ third-party laboratories for this purpose. It is also subject to regular visits by the Food and Drug Administration. Now Foods, for example, has more than 150 full-time quality control employees who are bachelor’s degree holders or more, and many have a PhD. Shaheen Pharma is proud to check out these respected brands and display them through their website. In fact, all Shaheen Pharma-listed brands are either national trademarks or our exclusive trademarks. The credibility of the labels of all Shaheen Pharma exclusive brands is verified through third-party tests and by meeting EFSA good manufacturing practices.
2. Trust only the original ratings for certified buyers
At Shaheen Pharma, we limit ratings to customers who have purchased the selected product from our website. This ensures honest and accurate ratings to help our customers make smarter purchasing options.
3. Insist on adequate storage conditions and adequate expiration dates
All Shaheen Pharma products are stored in temperature-controlled warehouses and adhere to good manufacturing practices. In addition, you can see the expiration date of the products you order on the product page. These dates are constantly updated when you receive a new inventory.
We do not deal with any external suppliers. Everything you buy from Shaheen Pharma is owned and shipped by Shaheen Pharma

Decode the signals your skin sends to you.

Skin types seem complex and confusing, but in fact they are very easy to understand.
On the other hand, inappropriate skin care products may irritate the skin and make it look worse, or the grains can be spread because of these products.
There are five types of skin: normal, fatty, dry, mixed, and sensitive.

Normal skin
Normal skin and healthy expressions do not look too bright or excess fat.
Regular skin needs proper care to maintain its youthfulness and healthy appearance. It is important to remember that a person’s skin changes from month to month due to hormonal changes. This also varies in the summer months due to increased sun exposure, as well as during pregnancy and menopause, all of which can significantly change healthy skin expressions.
Regular skincare
One of the best ways to take regular skin care is proper nutrition and supplements.

Oily skin care
While the best way to remove these fats seems to be harmful drying products such as those containing benzyl peroxide, this is not the case. In such cases, the body can resist more to excrete more fat in order to balance dried products.
The right way to care for oily skin is to allow fat to flow smoothly across many layers. Gentle exfoliation of the skin is also essential because it removes old skin cells that may be trapped in the skin and cause pimples. And remember: the cleaning process should be gentle and thorough. Do not use harsh fiber or sharp peels, as this will cause redness of your face and pain for you.
People with frequent outbreaks of pills in their skin can look at what they eat, as well as their way of cleaning their faces. Avoid foods that contain a large amount of fat, starches and sugars, such as pizza, burgers, French fries, ice cream, sweets and fried foods. They should also drink 8-10 glasses of water every day to keep their faces hydrated and to help remove impurities that are present inside the body as well.

Recommended products for oily skin
A gentle cleanser is recommended for people with greasy skin and clogged pores.

Dry skin
Dry skin is usually characterized by peeling, pigmentation and redness.
Dry skin is the opposite of oily skin, as sebum in the inner layers of the skin is produced in appropriate quantities. Even if this type of skin appears to lack water hydration, the use of water will make it drier. This type of skin needs good hydration to rehydrate dry cells.
Cleaning dry skin is also very important.

Mixed skin
Most people have mixed skin, but their problems vary according to their presence.
Focus on natural nutrients
People with mixed skin cannot use harmful chemicals, and should avoid products that contain a lot of benzoyl peroxide. Natural ingredients, such as vitamins and fruits, can be easily identified and can be obtained from sustainable sources.
Use two products to moisturize your skin
After you clean your face well, apply two different types of moisturizers to trouble spots.
The oily area of the skin requires its own products, and it is good to use a lotion or moisturizer containing the tea tree.

Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin can include dry skin, mixed or oily skin, but it is redder and more irritating.
Dermatologists use a rating scale to help people with allergy problems determine what type of treatments they should use. Scientific studies show that this type of skin tends to burn more easily, as well as varying degrees of specks that can be associated with increased grain outbreaks on the skin.
Signs of redness, irritability and outbreaks of grains:
When dealing with redness and irritation in allergic areas, it may be useful to use a facial sponge for sensitive skin.
Moisturizing sensitive skin is as important as oily or dry skin.

Quick advice for all skin types
When considering which products we use for our skin, it is important for a person to determine the type of skin he or she possesses. Using the right products and giving away harmful chemicals, this can help get healthy and beautiful skin.

6 Researched Benefits of Vitamin D

Do you get vitamin D from sun exposure?
Our bodies make vitamin D – which is more like a hormone than vitamin – when our skin is exposed to sunlight.
This is why those who spend so much time inside their homes or live near the poles are more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency.
The prevalence of skin cancer has encouraged the recommendation to reduce direct exposure to sunlight, but this recommendation may have inadvertently increased the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. It is true that you maintain balance.
It is important to be exposed to the sun for short periods to make your skin vitamin D. Many NIHs recommend exposing skin between 5 and 30 minutes to sunlight directly between 10a.m and 3 p.m. on the face, arms, legs or back twice a week.

What foods are rich in vitamin D?
Other than sunlight, you can get vitamin D from certain foods. Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel have the highest percentage, but they are also found in egg yolks, beef, cheese and some mushrooms.
Supplements can be an important part of the process of reaching optimal vitamin D levels, but it is impossible to know what dosage you should take without a blood test to see what level of your blood.

What does vitamin D do?
Optimal vitamin D levels can benefit many organs of the body such as musculoskeletal, immune system, cognitive function, mental health, digestive system, hair, skin, etc.

Does vitamin D strengthen teeth?
A 2012 comprehensive review and analysis of 24 clinical trials that examined a total of 2,827 participants found that taking vitamin D significantly reduced the likelihood of tooth decay in children and adults. Another study conducted in 2012 found that children who already had tooth decay were more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Of the 102 children with tooth decay, 66% were deficient in vitamin D, 27% had a minimum health level, and only 7% had adequate levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D cannot cure tooth decay that already exists. Talk to your dentist if you have current problems with your teeth.

Does vitamin D help strengthen the immune system?
A 2010 randomized trial looked at vitamin D supplementation and influenza in schoolchildren, and found that children who took 1,200 IU of vitamin D daily were less likely to develop influenza A during the flu season.
In a 2017 study, vitamin D deficiency was found to increase the risk of autoimmune diseases and infection, while optimal vitamin D levels supported immune function. A 2017 systematic review and comprehensive analysis of 10,933 participants in 25 controlled randomized trials concluded that vitamin D supplementation was useful in preventing acute respiratory infections, especially in previously severely deficient patients.
Hair health studies have found that patients with autoimmune disorders that affect hair growth such as alopecia often suffer from vitamin D deficiency and supplements may help hair growth. A study was conducted on women with female hair loss and carburetor hair loss – a scalp disorder – with vitamin D and the results were conflicting.
More research is needed to see if vitamin D is important in these cases.

Can Vitamin D benefit mental health?
A study of rat cells showed that vitamin D maintains appropriate serotonin levels – a neurotransmitter associated with wellness – in the brain. Some genetic evidence suggests that vitamin D is responsible for making serotonin and can work similarly to antidepressant medications.
A review of studies from 1995 to 2017 found that taking vitamin D with traditional antidepressant medications may improve the effectiveness of the drug, but there was no obvious benefit for other specific psychiatric conditions.
A different review article for 2017 found supporting evidence of vitamin D as a therapeutic supplement for children and adolescents with mental health problems, but the consequences for adult mental health diseases were conflicting. It is sometimes suggested that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is caused by vitamin D deficiency.
This has been studied, but like many other mental health disorders, the results are mixed and inconclusive. Taking vitamin D supplements may be helpful in maintaining positive, healthy behavior and a sense of mental well-being. However, more research is needed to confirm whether this is a useful treatment for mental health disorders.

Is vitamin D important for bone strengthening?
Calcium is widely known as an important building block for bones and muscles, and vitamin D is a key nutrient that may help to properly absorb calcium in the small intestine.
Can vitamin D deficiency cause digestive problems?
A 2019 study found that vitamin D deficiency is a cause of celiac disease. Of the 200 teenagers with vitamin deficiencies, nine were diagnosed with celiac disease. Intestinal damage caused by gluten intake in people with celiac disease makes absorption of nutrients difficult. Proper fat digestion is often impaired in people with digestive disorders, exacerbating the problem because vitamin D is a fat-melting vitamin.
Another 2013 study found that patients with celiac disease who also suffer from vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop psoriasis and anemia. Research has found that inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, may increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency, especially those living near upper latitudes and in the winter months.
This research concluded that vitamin D is important for maintaining intestinal health, may have an effect on the microbiome, and is important for the health of intestinal immunity. However, it is unclear whether this deficiency is the result or cause of inflammatory bowel disease.
How does obesity affect vitamin D levels?
Research has shown that obesity leads to lower levels of vitamin D. This may be because it dissolves in fat, so vitamin stores hide in fatty tissue and do not appear in blood tests. Possible mechanisms suggest that vitamin D supplementation may help maintain a healthy weight. However, studies that have tried to look at this relationship have not reached conclusions strong enough to recommend it.


Natural remedies for joint pain

If you have joint pain, you are not alone in it. According to the 30-day National Health Interview survey, 30% of adult’s experience pain, aches and stiffness in or around the joints. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 54.4 million Adult Americans — about 15 percent of the population — suffer from arthritis or areas around it.
Joints are the point of connection between bones, providing support in movement and facilitating them in general. The human body has 360 hinges, most of which are mobile. When these joints are intact, the bones inside them move smoothly between them because their surfaces are covered with a soft layer of cartilage and membranes that secrete a viscous fluid called synovial fluid.
Both dysfunction and pain occur when the synovial fluid is not excreted properly, or when the cartilage covering the bone deteriorates. Joints can be damaged suddenly or gradually, and may be caused by a disease or injury. Pain and ulceration can be severe or chronic, ranging from mild to severe.
Osteoarthritis, which means deterioration of cartilage that covers the ends of the bones (especially in the knees and hips) usually occurs as a natural part of aging, which is the most common cause of joint pain.
While the first way people can resist the pain caused by joint pain may be pain medications (e.g. ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin), these medications have very bad side effects, such as causing kidney damage. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort from joint pain.

Movement is necessary.
While you’ll feel unmoved to move, you should avoid it, as exercise is a way to secrete the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints. Low-impact exercise and stretching exercises help improve joint mobility and increase energy and mobility, while weight lifting exercises strengthen muscles so you can support joints. Mind and body exercises such as yoga, chi Kong or tai chi can enhance strength, energy and flexibility.

Take supplements to keep you soft
While the results of the studies are mixed, some research has shown that intake of collagen, the main formative protein of connective tissues found in both bones and cartilage, may help relieve pain, facilitate movement, bending and increase flexibility. A comprehensive analytical study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine identified collagen as a dietary supplement that “shows important laboratory effects in medium-term pain relief.”
Glucosamine and condo rote are components of natural cartilage, and may also help relieve pain. An exploratory study published in the New England Journal of Medicine assumed that “the combination of glucosamine and Cando rote sulfate may be effective in the subgroup of patients with moderate to severe knee pain.” Traditional medicine practitioners in Asia and Africa believe that frankincense helps treat chronic inflammatory diseases. Some research has shown that frankincense works to stop the formation of leukotriene molecules that cause inflammation.

Follow the Mediterranean diet
If the pain is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, eating anti-inflammatory foods or dieting the Mediterranean may help relieve symptoms, improve heart health and reduce your risk of cancer. This type of diet includes eating all the antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa (which has been found to reduce the reactive Protein-C, a precursor to infections), and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and camel nut.
You can also take antioxidant supplements and/or omega-3 fatty acids (look for a type that contains a high amount of docosahexaenoic acid), and eat more flavonoids, chemical compounds found in soy, green tea, and broccoli products.


Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Muscles, bones, skin, and tendons are composed primarily of collagen, the most abundant type of protein in the human body. To be specific, collagen consists of 30-35 percent of all the protein in the human body. Collagen protein is also known as connective tissue and is responsible for stabilizing our skin and maintaining joint movement and flexibility.  In addition, collagen provides our skin with elasticity. Studies show that collagen supplementation has many benefits, which include reduced facial wrinkles and helping to get rid of cellulite.  I will discuss this further in this article.

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes more wrinkled. The are many reasons for this- reduced ability to manufacture collagen is partly responsible while life’s stressors and oxidative damage also play a significant role. Those with extra melanin in their skin are more protected from ultraviolet sunlight and ultraviolet damage, which I call “Melan protection”. However, those with less melanin are at higher risk for solar damage and increased risk for premature aging.

Collagen Supplements usually consist of the following amino acids, which scientists separate amino into three categories:

  • Essential amino acids – This type of amino acid needs to be consumed in the diet and cannot be manufactured by the body. They include lysine, serine, threonine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, methionine, isoleucine, histidine and hydroxylysine.
  • Conditionally essential amino acids- This type of amino acid the body can usually make, but under physically stressful states, the body may not make enough and supplementation may be helpful.  They include glycine, proline, glutamine (glutamic acid), alanine and tyrosine.
  • Non-Essential amino acids- This type of amino acid is very important to the body, but they are labeled non-essential as the body is able to make them.  Consuming this amino acid in the diet is not required but doing so is NOT harmful.  They include hydroxyproline, arginine and aspartic acid.

Various collagen manufacturers use different sources for their product.  While some use bovine (cow) sources, others use fish.  California Gold Nutrition uses a quality marine sourced collagen which makes it perfect for pescatarians, that is, those who avoid all meat aside from fish.

Collagen supplements contain a wide variety of amino acids necessary for hair growth as well as skin, tendons and bone health. Collagen is a good option for those who may want to ensure they are getting adequate amino acids but want to consume them using a gluten- and dairy-free supplements. Weightlifters frequently use collagen supplementation to ensure they maximize muscle growth.  Sometimes they chose whey protein powder.

Types of Collagen in the Body

Scientists have identified at least 28 types of collagen.  However, 90 percent of the collagen in the human body is Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 5.

  • Collagen Type 1 – Composes tendons, organ and bone. Type 1 collagen accounts for 80-90 percent of our collagen.
  • Collagen Type 2- Cartilage in knees, shoulders and other joints
  • Collagen Type 3 – Main type of cartilage of reticular fibers. Commonly present with Type 1.
  • Collagen Type 5 – Use to make hair and present on skin surface.

Top 5 Benefits of a Total Internal Body Cleanse

While the concepts of internal cleansing and detoxifying the body have been around for quite some time, there is renewed interest for many reasons. Chief among these reasons is the growing awareness that toxic chemicals impair the way that we think and feel as well as pose serious health concerns. Here are the top 5 benefits to an internal cleanse:

1.  Higher Energy Levels

When the body is overrun with toxins or a sluggish detoxification it leads to decreased cellular energy. That translates to lower overall energy levels. Energy is produced in the body by cellular compartments know as mitochondria. The production of energy in these mini factories can be disrupted by virtually any toxin. What makes it even worse is as energy production within a cell falls it leads to that cell becoming even more vulnerable to suffering from impaired detoxification as well as cellular damage. The good news is that by going on a successful program that provides the right nutritional support, you can get rid of toxins, boost cellular energy production, and help cells function more efficiently. The net result of these changes is that you feel more alive with higher energy levels.

2. Greater Clarity of Thought

There is such a strong link between cellular energy levels and mental clarity, with the energy boost of a cleanse comes greater mental clarity and focus. It is very hard to maintain focus and attention if the brain is foggy because of an increased toxin load. The brain is very sensitive to all sorts of different toxins because most of the really bad toxins is fat-soluble toxins. Since the brain should be the largest collection of fat in the body it acts as virtual magnet for heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, and other fat-soluble toxins. An effective cleansing program can go a long way in restoring clear thinking.

3. Give Your Liver a Break

The liver functions tirelessly in detoxifying harmful chemicals and facilitating their elimination from the body. It deserves a break. By providing the liver with the support it needs while at the same time reducing the toxic load, it greatly reduces the stress that this vital organ feels. With improved liver function comes a multitude of health benefits. After all, the liver is the main organ of metabolism and in addition to be the primary organ responsible for detoxifying harmful substances it is the major manufacturer of many compounds required for the body to function properly. By boosting liver function there is a definite boost to metabolism.

4.  Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is very susceptible to the harmful effects of toxic substances. Impaired immunity by getting frequent colds or infections is often one of the key warning signs that it is time for a cleanse. White blood cells move better, communicate better, and to their job of engulfing and destroying particulate matter as well as microorganisms better when the lymph and blood is not cluttered up with toxins.

5. Vibrant Skin

Skin health often reflects the degree of toxicity as well. The skin is the body’s largest organ and one of its primary functions is elimination of toxins. If there is an excess of toxins the skin must deal with it will result in the skin showing signs that it has lost some of its vitality. It may look dull or pale with enlarged pores, breakouts, and dark circles.

Perk up Your skin with our Rose Gold Serum

Fight aging and acne with a daily application of Rosé Gold Serum  

It’s no secret that dermatologists and beauty buffs often recommend serums as a great way to care for skin. Nevertheless, many people don’t understand what it is and why it can be an effective part of a skincare regimen. In addition to providing various benefits, this topical product is quite affordable.

Retinol Basics

Retinol is a type of retinoid, a family of chemicals that are derived from vitamin A. Another member of the retinoid group is tretinoin, a popular prescription-grade skincare product. For those who aren’t interested in a prescription drug, retinol is the top choice for an over-the-counter retinoid. Even those who might someday want to try a tretinoin prescription can benefit from starting with a low dose of retinol in order to help the skin work up to a higher-strength product.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Retinol

Retinoids are best known for their anti-aging properties. Research supports the idea that retinol and other retinoids may help increase collagen production in the skin. Collagen is responsible for skin’s firm, plump appearance. As collagen disappears with age, wrinkles appear. Therefore, boosting collagen production may help keep fine lines and wrinkles from looking as obvious.

To further enhance its effects, retinol has the potential to speed up cellular turnover. This means that old skin cells are shed sooner, revealing the healthy new skin underneath. Retinol, therefore, may help skin look brighter and fresher.

Although wrinkle reduction and skin brightening are usually the top benefits touted for retinol, this product also helps with acne, a problem that can plague people of all ages. Retinol can help remove clogs from pores, which may clear up breakouts or keep new pimples from forming. This chemical could also reduce the appearance of pores.

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